New England Orthodontic Specialists

Why Your Child Needs to See An Orthodontist by Age 7

Why Your Child Needs to See An Orthodontist by Age 7

Did you know that your child should see an orthodontist by age 7? No? Well, that’s ok. Fortunately for you and your family, Dr. Diana and Dr. Neil have been helping 7-year-olds smile for a long time! New England Orthodontic Specialists has offices in Beverly, Lynn, Salem, South Hamilton, and Topsfield. We make patients of […]

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The Benefits of Seeing an Orthodontist In Your Local Community

The Benefits of Seeing an Orthodontist In Your Local Community

If you live in the Boston area, you know just what a great community we have around here. New England Orthodontic Specialists set up our practice here because we love this area and want to be a part of making this community happier and healthier through orthodontic treatment. If you’re like us, you probably understand the value

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a teen receiving orthodontic treatment in a dental chair.

The Truth About Orthodontics and Facial Asymmetry

Are you self-conscious about your facial asymmetry? Do you constantly think about how your teeth are not quite straight? You’re not alone. Facial asymmetry is common, and many people feel self-conscious about subtle imbalances in their appearance. The good news is that orthodontics can be a great way to restore your confidence. At New England Orthodontic

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A group of people in gray shirts posing for a photo.

The 3 Questions You Need to Ask Before Choosing an Orthodontist

Choosing an orthodontist is a big decision. You want to ensure that they’re qualified, offer a wide range of options, and have experience with your specific situation. At New England Orthodontic Specialist, we know how important it is to feel comfortable with your orthodontist. That’s why Dr. Diana and Dr. Neil have compiled 3 of the most critical questions you

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